Thoughts and Wishes

Please send Teena your thoughts, ideas and referrals by commenting on this page.

112 thoughts on “Thoughts and Wishes

  1. Hi Teena, while we have never met, reading about you gives me a sense of what an incredible person you are. You are more than an inspiration and we all hope and pray GOD gives you health and a long happy life as you very well deserve it. We are blessed to have people like you in this world. Love and blessings!!!

  2. Hey Teena, awesome!!! 6 months later you are standing – we all knew you would do it. Keep up the great work. Love, Michele

  3. Hi Teena,

    I was in the waiting room with your husband at Bellvue Hospital while you were in surgery. My son was also in surgery. They were trying to save his eye after he had been randomly and viciously attacked in Murray Hill. I never got to meet you but it’s great to hear of your progress.

    Your husband spoke about the amazing woman you are and of your courage. You spirit unknowingly gave me strength to get through the trauma with my son. We never met but I just wanted to thank you for being there for me in an unexpected way. I tell my son everyday that he is alive because he has a purpose. I hope you see that too. That day you comforted us without even knowing it. That shows how amazing you are. I wish you the best. Continue progressing and remember that you touched someone immensly on Dec 29th because of your positivity and light.

    • Hi Fran,

      I’m so sorry about your son.
      I’m so glad that you and my husband were able to give each other strength. THANK YOU so much for your kind words.
      I hope your son has recovered and is doing better. I wish him and your family all the best.
      Thank you Fran.

  4. Hi, Teena! I’m a lifelong Mets fan who relocated to Central Florida (near Walt Disney World) from Brooklyn in 2010. I rode the 7 train every day when I was working in NYC. Watching the Mets-Padres on TV today, and Gary Cohen told the story of your unfortunate accident as they were showing you at the game. You are a brave young woman, and please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue to recover and learn to walk again. One day at a time, and God’s help will see you through….

  5. Hi Teena,

    Your positive attitude and amazing courage is such an inspiration for others. You’re in our thoughts and prayers. God bless, from all of us at Jewel Box Platinum.

  6. I’m glad to see that you’re ok… I was one of two doctors that happened be on the platform when you fell… so rushed over there to see which train car, and the extent of your injury’s, as well as making a mental check list of what part of your body was, under the train, and that when i realized that your legs were severed.
    right after seeing that, i was worried that you would bleed out before the FDNY and ESU got there,,, so I jumped down on the track bed to see if I could try to put a tuner kit on you and luckily at the moment the FDNY and the NYPD ESU, arrived, and took over, and got you out of there in minutes… and I was with you all the way to the point of you being taken in for Emergency Surgery.
    Seeing and hearing that you were OK, was such a relief to me, because from that day, that image of you under the train has been haunting me, mainly because I keep asking myself, and playing back that day in my head, wondering if i could of done more.
    In the end, I’m just glad that you’re OK.

    • I also wanted to tell you that, you were NOT bleeding all of over the place because when the train wheel ran over you legs, the wheels were so hot that it actually cauterized your severed limbs.

  7. Hi Teena,

    Not sure if you remember me, it’s Wayne from way back in the days when me, you and Danny used to walk home together after school from Ryan. My wife and I were very shocked and sadden by what we saw in the news recently about your accident. We want to help and sent you a donation in the mail. Hope it helps you and Ben adjust to your new lifestyle. We wish you and your family best of luck in your future challenges.

    Best Wishes,
    – Wayne & Denise

  8. Teena –

    I am so out of touch, but when learning of the accident was left speechless. I can not believe this happened to you…Teena Poon (Katz)! I still don’t get it. What i do know is that they way you have met this life challenge is completely in keeping with the Teena I know. I am so proud of your recovery thus far and more importantly of your attitude and spirit when meeting this life challenge. You are an incredible woman, keep up the good fight! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. I will continue to check in on the site to see how things are going.

    All the best,


  9. Dear Teena,

    I just saw your story on NY1. You are such an inspiration. Thank God that your life was spared. It looks as though you still have a lot of wonderful things to do in this world. Can you put a Facebook link on here? I’d love to share your story with friends and family who aren’t local. I’m sure others would appreciate that as well. Should be a great way to increase donations as well.

    You will be in my thoughts and prayers. May each day get a little brighter for you.

    With love,

  10. Hey Teena, I hope to visit you this weekend. I will continue to pray for you and your family. May God help you make a speedy recovery and continue to grant you and your family courage and strength. You are an inspiration to me. I hope to see you soon. =)

  11. Just saw your story on NY1. I take the 7 train to & from work everyday so this hits home for me. Who knows we could of crossed paths on the 7 train in the past. Im sending a donation via check & will be tweeting out the link to this site to try and garner more support for you Teena! God speed on your recovery.

  12. Dear Teena
    I hope you still remember us as the parents of your dear friend Suzanne Elgendy. We always loved you when came to see Suzanne and admired you for your stenghth and determination to succeed.
    We wish you the best of everything life has to offer you now and always. You will always be in our thoughts and prayers.

    • Of course I still remember both of you, Mr. & Mrs. Elgendy! It’s so nice to hear from you. Thank you so much for thinking of me and for your generosity.

  13. teena vs the 7 train as a child I always rode the 7 train it makes me sad to hear of what happened to you. I also read how important and very wise and brave you are and always have been.I have to learn from you how to humble myself I sent something for your cause but its nothing compared to your spirit I am a better person to have read what you do and say specially after your
    accident you are as brave as they come or how god makes them ill try and donate again but your spirit drives some of us dont give up cause we wont give up on you babe keep fighting cause for you I will

  14. Hi Teena

    I worked at EMI and met you once when you were over in LA.
    Your positive attitude to this is amazing and inspiring and I wish you all the best in your recovery.


  15. Hi Teena,

    We both wish you a very fast recovery, good luck. We need good people in this world like you those who think about others too.

    With all the best wishes.

  16. Best wishes to you in healing. Your positivity in the face of a personal tragedy should be inspiration to everyone that hears your story. My love and thoughts to you and yours.

  17. Hey Tina! So glad you are safely home. We miss seeing you at work every day. Take care and see you soon xxoo

  18. Teena, what an incredibly strong and confident person you are.
    Your story of courage and strength can only help others.
    I wish you a speedy recovery.

  19. Hi Teena,

    Your optimism in what must be such a trying situation is inspirational. It’s such an encouraging reminder that we don’t have to let our circumstances define our state of mind and how we’ll live each day… Please keep blogging if you have time, b/c I really do think your words are an encouragement to many… whether they take the time to write a note or not.. 🙂

    All my best to you and your husband!


  20. You are an incredibly brave and inspiring person Teena 🙂 Wishing you continued strength through your recovery and beyond. May your keen sense of humor carry you through the most difficult of days, And may love & laughter surround you always!

  21. I discovered you by a blurb on Facebook today. I haven’t read all of your stuff yet but I could get the idea just by the first posts. Strong doesn’t even seem to come close to describing you.

    You can expect your blog to show up in mine soon!

  22. Hi Teena. We don’t know each other personally but I read about your story in today’s Daily News and wanted to help. It’s not much but I’m sure every little bit counts. I wish you well during your recovery!

  23. Dear Tenna,
    I came across your incredible story while reading the paper. I am touched by your strength, humility, and sense of humor. Good luck to you and your family. You are an amazing person.

  24. Dear Teena,
    I came across your story while reading the paper and I just wanted to let you know that I am amazed by your strength, humility, and sense of humor. Good luck to you and your family. Your story really touched me.

  25. Hello there,

    I stumbled on your page from nydailynews and have to say that I am so inspired by your story. I rarely leave comments especially to someone I don’t know but I really couldn’t help myself this time. Please don’t lose or give up. You are a beautiful person inside and out. It is amazing that even after your ordeal, you are still able to keep your sense of humour and appreciation for life. It makes me really think that many of us take life for granted. You remind me that life is beautiful. You are truly amazing and motivational. Please keep updating your blog and your progress.


  26. Your humor in your posts is amazing describing your day to day tasks. Your positive attitude is truly an inspiration to others.

    We wish you well and know that there is nothing that you can’t conquer.

  27. Yay you made it to rehab! Each day you are moving closer to home, keep strong young Teena. Prayers to you and your family.

  28. Hi Teena,

    We don’t know each other; I am a friend of Tan’s. I wanted to let you know that you have been in my thoughts ever since I first heard about your unfortunate accident. I am very glad to read that you are having a much better experience in the NYU rehab facility. Keep up your positive attitude and know that there are many people rooting for your speedy recovery.

    “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.”
    -Eleanor Roosevelt.

    Best wishes,

  29. Dear Teena,

    I know we don’t know each other personally, I am a friend of Amanda and Morgan, and I just wanted to wish you a healthy and safe recovery. I know your family thinks the world of you, Amanda and Morgan’s pride for you has latched onto me as well and I think you’re an incredibly strong woman who can overcome anything standing in her way. Keep up your spirits and god bless.

  30. T- You are the strongest person I have ever met. Your story inspires me to be a stronger, and more positive person. Seeing what you have gone through and how you are handling everything makes me envious of your positivity. I wish I could be just like you. I know if it was me, I would not have been able to joke around and stay as strong as you are. I would have been miserable and pissy. Knowing you are able to smile and make light of a situation like this is amazing. I am so glad you are staying so strong. You have such amazing support, and your family loves you very, very much. I love seeing you smile because it makes everyone smile. Reading what happened touches my heart every time.
    Continue to be strong, and know that there are tons of people supporting you. People that are concerned and care that you do not even know.
    This too shall pass. You will get over come these obstacles and things can only go up from here.
    Keep posting, stay positive, and smile <3

  31. Hi Teena, you’ve been in my thoughts and I’ve been meaning to write something here all month, but, for once, I am at a loss for words ; ) Am totally floored and humbled by your spirit and resilience. Stay strong, you know we all love you to bits and are rooting for you! Get well, hope to see you soon and best wishes 4ever, LL

  32. Teena, so sorry I’m so tardy with my message. You’ve been in my thoughts all month, but, for once, I was at a loss on what to say ; ) So please take care of yourself, get well soon and stay strong. We all love you and are rooting for you…we miss you, and hope to see you soon. best wishes 4ever, LL

  33. Hi Teena,

    My name is Louie and I am the sales rep from Verizon Wireless in Bayside Queens. I helped your cousin Tan today with your Mifi. Hope you have a fast recovery and stay strong! Good Luck!!

  34. Hi Teena,

    I’ve just seen what happened to you and cannot believe it. I am in awe of your positive spirit and strengthen. Sending positive vibes from across the pond and wishing you a speedy recovery! x

    • Dear Teena,
      I am just learning of the events that happened to you on December 26th. First, you need to know that God had you in the palm of his hand. It is a MIRACLE that you survived being struck by a train. Having lived in NYC, you hear about these things happening – but never to anyone you know..

      Your life clearly has a purpose and I believe it is to inspire and encourage others that are going through similar situations. When I read your story and the other entries from friends and family, people talk about your bravery and your fighting spirit. Your courage reminds me of a scripture that my grandmother used to tell me to read often:

      “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me” (Psalm 23).

      Despite your trials, you are still brave and positive. Know that from this day forward, you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you a speedy recovery and know that your life’s purpose is so much bigger than this occurrence.

      And by the way, even though I’m working, I miss my EMI/Virgin family as well. I was so lucky to have worked with individuals that literally became my family. When I moved to NYC, I knew 1 person; so my “work family” was MY family when I relocated to the east coast. So it’s tough, I know. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t reminisce about my time in NYC.

      Wishing you everything good in this life. Love you and your husband. Sending much love and light from Los Angeles. Chanel Landreaux

  35. Oh dear Teena…I’m just seeing this and am so sorry. You are a true inspiration and I know you will come out of this stronger then the bionic woman! Sending lots of healthy & speedy recovery vibes your way. Stay strong…we are here for you! And if/when you are able, I’d be more then happy to bake something (your pick) and bring it by for you & your family/friends.

  36. Hey Teena, Just saw this after Peter posted on facebook, still can’t believe what I was reading. Keep up the positive attitude, wishing you the best in your recovery. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.

    Peter C

  37. Teena!!!

    Wowza, you are a true inspiration! This site is great and I love hearing about your progress. So many people sending you thoughts and prayers and here’s a big virtual hug from me to you. Hope you enjoyed the care package and if you need anything at all please let any of us from the old EMI family know.


  38. I think of you everyday and am in awe of your strenth and courage.
    Please know we all pray for you and know that your spirit will get you through this.
    I love you T
    xx Rana

  39. You are an amazingly strong woman and an inspiration to all of us. you. I think about you everyday and know you will overcome this.
    The love everyone feels for you will keep you moving ahead….
    love you T!
    xo rana

  40. Your optimistic outlook and strong attitude are admirable qualities. We need more of that positive influence in our lives… you’re a great inspiration to us all. Keep it up!


  41. Hey Teena! I’ve still been thinking about you more than you even know! I hope you are doing okay this week. I just got off the phone with my dad and he also sends his wishes your way! Hang in there, girl! I have no doubt that you will make an amazing recovery!! You got this!!!


  42. Teena, there hasn’t been a day that has gone by since I heard the news that I haven’t thought of you. You are an amazingly strong woman and an inspiration to everyone around you. I have bookmarked your site and am eager to hear more about your progress. Stay strong Katz!

    Much love,
    Jenise xx

  43. Teena! You are on my mind all the time. You courage and strength and resiliency are a beacon for everyone. We miss you terribly and need your sense of humor, kindness and wit back in the office asap! Plus our budgets are at a standstill and uniport is lost without you. Please let me or the ASW crew know if there is anything we can do. All my love and best wishes. See you soon! XX Glenn

  44. Teena
    your positive energy and spirit inspires us all. Just know that your Capitol Music family is with you and loves you…..

  45. Dear Teena Turner,

    I think and pray about you every single day. I love your spirit and attitude, it’s truly remarkable and inspiring. Much love to you and your family. Please let me know if you need anything. Love Lance

  46. Thinking about you Teena. Your positivity will always prevail. Chin up, we’re all here for you.

    The biggest digital hug possible,

  47. Teena – Inspired by your strength and courage. Chin up girlfriend!
    Thinking of you!

    Lots of love and good thoughts,

  48. Teena!!! Thinking of you and posting positive vibes here!! Love you girl, thinking of you always and sending lots of love and light your way (and by that I mean the kind of Love and Light that Danielle Staub from Housewives of NJ would send you) mwhwhah 😉 xxxooo MWAH love ya girlll keep staying strong, your courage is an inspiration to everyone!

    • KK!
      Thanks so much for all the trash mags. It’s amazing though, you read a few and then they all are the same! Haha.
      Talk to you soon!

  49. Teena- I am sorry to hear about all of this but you are truly inspiring. I hope you have as easy a recovery as possible and keep your head up. Thinking of you

  50. Hi Teena,

    A mutual friend, Tina Yuan, told me about your accident. Even though I don’t know you, I was so sad to hear about it.
    Your positive outlook and spirit overwhelms me – keep it up! Wishing you a speedy recovery, God bless!

  51. Hello Teena,

    I’m sorry to hear about what happened. Glad to see you have wonderful people care for you. Good luck in your recovery and hope to see you out there.


  52. Hey Teena-

    Annie keeps me updated on your progress. You are such an inspiration to all. You go girl….You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love Melissa

  53. Hi Teena-

    We miss you here at the office! I get updates from Tom and Josh and have been thinking about you lots, you are truly an inspiration in your positivity, so keep your spirits up and we look forward to having you back before long! Speedy recovery!


    • Hey Cem,

      I miss everyone at the office as well! Almost tempted to say I actually miss being in the office, but only because anything is better than being stuck in this bed all day, every day.

  54. Teena Girl! Stronger than strong you are. This website brings a huge smile to my face, not only to see how well you’re hanging in there, but because I can now quiz you on all things Real Housewives. I expect you to take notes for me, you’re first pop quiz starts 1st visit. Hang in there love and keep that chin up!

    • Hey fellow Bravo watcher,

      I’m glad you like the website! I’m all new at this blogging and website stuff.
      Unfortunately, I don’t have Bravo on my TV here in the hospital..womp, womp, womp. Jan filled me in on a few things when he came to visit though!

  55. Hey Teena,

    You are such an inspiration and continue to shine radiantly with your beautiful spirit. You are in my prayers for a healthy and uncomplicated recovery and I pray for your family that they gain strength and patience from your incredible heart and courage. Peace and blessings, Shanieka

    “My future depends mostly upon myself.”
    — Paul Robeson

  56. Hey Teena,

    It warms my heart to see that you are in such good spirits. Your strength is inspirational! You’re always in my thoughts; hoping and wishing nothing but the very best in your recovery.

  57. Hi Teena,

    We are so impressed and in awe of your positive attitude and great spirit. We think about you all the time, sending prayers and thoughts your way. You were always such a sweet and thoughtful girl. We’re glad to be a part of your family. Love, Claudia, Sheldon, David and Aaron

  58. Hi T,

    I miss you dearly and you are in my thoughts. I’m glad there is a place to come to get updates on your progress.


  59. Hello Teena, I am Scott Matelic’s mom. Scott told me about the accident and your road ahead. I will be saying a little prayer for you and your family.

  60. We are Michele Weiner’s parents, Zachary & Dylan’s grandparents.
    We heard what happened to you. Thank G-d you are alive. With your faith and courage we are sure you will overcome any obstacles . Our Best Wishes and Prayers are with you.
    Gloria & Arnie Plotzky

  61. Teena- This web site is great. I tend to turn to Tom a lot for updates. I like that I can check in here and connect with you. You’re on my mind and I send you lots of good vibes and thoughts. So Blue Note artists won 2 Grammys. Gregory Porter & Wayne Shorter. Did you tune in?
    Let me know if you need any magazines, you know publicity get a zillion a day. x JR Rich

    • Hi JR,
      Thanks for all the good vibes…can never get too much of that! I didn’t get to catch the Grammys unfortunately but that’s great news!
      KK sends me plenty of trash mags, but thank you. And thank you so much for the Super Bowl boxes as well…that was awesome!

  62. Teena! What a fighter you are, girl! I couldn’t love you any more, you’re a bright, shiny star in our lives!!! The greatest volleyball captain of all time! 🙂 XOXO

  63. T, I am always thinking of you. You are so strong. I hope we can come by to see you soon.. I have a few “fun’ things to drop off. 🙂 I’m glad to see the website is up and running now! Looks great! Love and hugs – XOXOXO

    • Hey Jac,
      Aww more stuff? You and B dropped off enough stuff last time. You don’t need to bring anything! Hopefully next time I’ll see mama and papa Moore too!

  64. Wow! Your website looks amazing! Your cousin did a great job setting it up.
    I’m battling strep throat still, so I won’t come anywhere near you again until it’s long gone.
    Alaska has a gift here for you and he can’t wait for you to get it. I’ll bring it as soon as I’m better.
    Keep your chin up babe. You are already an inspiration to so many, including myself.
    We love you!
    Audrey and Alaska

    • Thanks so much. Credit goes out to my cousins’ friend Erin as well. Thanks Erin! I hope you feel better and I can’t wait to see what ‘laska got me. Too bad you can’t sneak him in as a therapy dog!

  65. Dear Teena,
    I used to work with Annie at P.S.220. I read on Facebook about what had happened. I would like you to know that I am praying for you and your family. May God bless you and give you strength. If I can, I’d like to share a small prayer with you…

    One Day At A Time
    Soon the sun will shine again
    Soon things will be fine
    Until it does, trust God above
    And take one day at a time

    This little prayer was on my mother’s refrigerator door and now I have it hanging on mine. I love to read it now and then because it gives me faith and makes me smile. I hope that this prayer will bring a smile to your face and that you will feel comfort when you read it. Hang in there and be strong knowing that you have many people rooting and praying for you.
    God bless you…..


  66. Teena, my entire family wishes you a speedy recovery! The stories Annie have been telling us about your courage and positive attitude have been a real inspiration to us. Keep on moving forward. If you need anything from us please let us know.
    With love and hugs, Michele, Doug, Zachary & Dylan

    • Hey Michele!
      Thanks so much! I’m sure Annie will continue to update you guys…or feel free to follow the site! Thanks for the love.

      • HI Teena, Yes Annie keeps us updated. You are definitely part of an extraordinary family – they are so proud of your progress and continue to support you in so many ways. I hope to come visit soon – I will work it out with Annie. Anything specific I can bring from Forest Hills?
        Love, Michele

  67. Hey Teena,

    Its Zach, Doug and Michele Weiner’s oldest boy. It’s great to here you are doing better. My parents have told me many times of how they knew you growing up and how sweet you always were. I think the last time we saw each other may have been a few years ago at Morgan’s Bat-Mitzvah. Keep strong as you have been. Annie says you have been doing great with the whole process.

    Stay Strong!!!!

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