The Latest

Finished with at home physical and occupational therapy from the Visiting Nurse Service (VNS). Actually, the OT discharged me upon his first visit when he came over to open my case. He asked me some questions, declared that I was “high functioning” and that I didn’t need at home OT care, and then proceeded to discharge me. Uhm ok, well I could’ve told you that and saved you a trip out to me! I will have my last Nurse visit next week and start out-patient PT and OT next week as well. That means at least 2 trips a week into the city for the next month.
I went to my first out-patient appointment with the plastic surgeon this past Wednesday. He said everything looked good and that things looked like they were healing well. I no longer need to put xeroform on my left left leg and I can be a little more aggressive when cleaning it in the shower. And apparently I won’t need to see him for another 2 months..We also discussed the potential surgeries I may need to have down the road. Great. All in all, I guess the appointment went well..just continue to wait and heal. C’mon body…hurry up and heal so I can get started on prosthetics! I have things I need to do, people I need to see, and places I need to go.
So, besides attending out-patient OT and PT in the upcoming month I have list of things to research. I have to research: prosthetics, motorized wheelchairs, minivans, psychologists, support groups…
My friend KK came to visit me today while she was in town from LA on work. Loved the visit and it was so good to see you! However, it wasn’t all fun and games. She left with a list of homework assignments for me…Work (Universal Music) has been really supportive throughout all this and a team has been put together to work on some things for me. I’ll fill everyone in and be sending out save the dates as things are confirmed!
Before I end this post, I just wanted to apologize to the ESU guys for (inadvertently) leaving them out of my last “Thank You” post. Obviously unintentional as all of you guys have a special place in my heart. Apologies and THANK YOU.
Til next time everyone…will try to update/post more frequently!
Thanks for following this normal girl that happened to get hit by the 7 train and end up in this shitty (a PG adjective just didn’t cut it) situation…

5 thoughts on “The Latest

  1. Admire your grit and positivity…you’re a credit to the human race…nothing is impossible and you are an amazing person. And hope you get better soon .

  2. Teena, I read about your tragic accident on business insiders website; wow is all j can say! I can’t imagine what life has and is going to be like. What I can see is an amazing women with an even more amazing attitude and a wonderful husband and family around her. I know your not trying to be an inspiration, but I guess that’s what’s even more inspiring lol. I truly wish you well and may your positive attitude and zest for life (places to go and people to see lol) continue..

    I will be sending a donation to – thank you


  3. You really inspired me today with your positive attitude!

    More than you can know!! Good luck with your prosthetics x

    I will follow your story, saw it when Astralwerks tweeted…

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