The Latest…

First off, I want to wish everyone safe travels on this nasty day and even if you’re not traveling anywhere for the careful! Luckily, I didn’t have anywhere to go today. Heard it’s really slippery out there. Yikes. Looks like I may have to switch to my winter footwear sooner than expected. Although winter boots and workout shorts (generally my bottom apparel of choice) are gonna look mighty odd…but I guess booty shorts in the winter in itself is odd. Oh well…
So, the latest…
I had some x-rays taken of both my right and left legs a couple of weeks ago and they revealed some good and bad news. Bad news – I’m probably going to need more surgery (on my left leg). FML. Good news – the surgery will probably help improve my range of motion and reduce some of the discomfort I’m experiencing in my leg. And it looks like my right side is ok.
Surgery isn’t confirmed yet as I haven’t seen an orthopedist. But, according to the opinion of my prosthetist, who has reviewed my x-rays, it’s very likely. Based on what he saw in the x-rays, part of my knee cap may have to get shaved down since part of it is sticking out…not like it’s poking through my skin or anything like that, but it doesn’t have as much skin graft covering that particular part so it’s more “exposed”. And it looks like there some sort of bone or something behind my knee that will probably have to be removed. It’s about 3cm in size, almost an inch..which is pretty big for something that you have to get taken out of your body. It looks as if that may be a big cause to why I can’t get my knee to bend more than 40-45 degrees. Now, having that removed may not give me full range of motion of my knee, which would be 180 degrees (I think), but if it will help get it to 90 degrees or even increase over 45 degrees, then it will be worth it. It’s extremely difficult to walk up down stairs when your knee doesn’t bend. Try it.
ASA has reached out to the orthopedist that they’d like me to see and once they hear back from him I’ll schedule and appointment, assuming he takes my case. And then we’ll go from there…I’ll update everyone as I find out more information.
In one month, it will be a year since the accident. One year. Guess I’ve come along way in a year…so I’m told. It’s true…I’ve accomplished a lot, but there’s still so much more to accomplish. Even though surgery will be a minor set back, hopefully the result of it will be 2 steps forward…
I try and go out now without my wheelchair. The last time I took my wheelchair with me on an outing was probably a few weeks ago and it probably stayed in the car. I use it less and less. Mostly just when I get up in the morning and in the evening when I’m preparing to shower and getting ready for bed. I’m proud of myself for being able to get around and not needing the wheelchair as a “crutch”, but it definitely leads me to push myself.
Funny story – we took a trip to Target last week after an appointment at ASA. I didn’t have the wheelchair, just my forearm crutches. I walked into Target and then we found one of those electric carts that I could sit in and drive myself around Target. I had spent 10 minutes on the treadmill during my appointment at ASA and this was probably going to be an hour or longer visit at Target, so I didn’t have the energy or strength to walk this time around. I got myself into the cart and Ben and I started perusing the aisles. We entered the Hanukkah aisle and then it happened…my cart broke down. I had turned into the aisle, stopped to look at something, then pushed the button to start moving again, and nothing. Uh…Ben,..I think we have a problem. What? I think I’m stuck… Forward, backward, nothing. I wasn’t moving. He asked if he could pull me while I pushed the forward button (like having a car in neutral)…nope. What do you do when you’re stuck in the Hanukkah aisle of Target and don’t have the energy to walk all the way through Target and back to the front in order to get a new cart?…Send your husband to get a new one and drive it to you, of course. After about 10 minutes of me just sitting in the Hanukkah aisle, blocking anyone from entering, (Sorry!..I’m constantly holding people up or in their’s my thing, apparently.) Ben drives up in a working cart. “Oh my gosh, old people walking were passing me left and right..this thing moves so slowly!”, he says to me. Hah.
That’s all for now.
Oh, if you haven’t seen this yet…check it out!!/teenas-trip

Hope everyone has a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Be safe!
Happy Thanksgiving

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