Thank You

I got a hair cut on Monday. Goodbye hair down to my belly button and hello bob. In my current physical state, it is way to difficult to wash and maintain hair at such a length and if I want to wash it on a regular basis then I have to do what I can in order to make my life easier nowadays. All that hair is going to a good cause. I told my hair dresser to donate it to Locks of Love. Hopefully, that’s where it ends up. But even if it doesn’t, it’ll still be going to a good cause!
On another note, I just want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone for their kind words, generous donations, and just the general outpouring of support I’ve received. I’m so overwhelmed by everyone’s support and i just want you all to know that I’m so appreciative of all of it. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.
While I’m on the thank you kick…there are some specific thank yous I’d like to make;
Mom – Thank you for being my Mom. I couldn’t ask for a better Mom. You have been and always will be awesome.
Pops – Thank you for making me all those home cooked meals and “good for you” soup while I was in the hospital. No need to drink Ensure thanks to you!
Bro – Thanks for being you. Thanks for being there for me. Enough said.
Ben – Thanks for sticking around. Everyone on the outside might not see all that you do for me but I do. Thanks for being my best friend and husband.
Momma & Poppa Katz – Thanks for driving Ben in all the time so he could visit me. Thanks for making all those insurance and work phone calls so I didn’t have to. Thanks for taking care of the apartment while I was “away”. The list goes on…Thanks for being such amazing in-laws.
Cynthia – Thanks for making my room happier when you came to visit. =)
Annie – Thanks for being my “mom” and nurse while at the hospital. Thanks for being my prostat bartender, my personal organizer, and so much more. You were and are awesome.
Danny – Thanks for being Annie’s personal driver and my personal “driver”. Thanks for filming me while I was high as a kite too! =P
Tan – Thanks for being my personal miracle worker. Thanks for dealing with all the “crap” that needed to be dealt with. You seriously worked miracles and moved mountains for me. Thanks for taking on my “case”. XOXO.
Ho – Thanks for keeping me company during your overnights. Sorry that your over nights sometimes didn’t go so smoothly…Thanks for taking such good care of me…you know what I mean.
**Edit** Klara – I’m so sorry I forgot to include you when I first posted this. Thank you for all the goodies (snacks as well as all the “as seen on tv” items!), being my personal hair dresser (along with my mom), being my notary, and visiting and keeping me company after your long days at the office. **Edit**
The Girls (Jenn, May, Sil, Steph) – Thanks for keeping me sane and for being my girls. XOXO.
Erin – Thanks for putting this awesome site together. A site that everyone loves.
Universal Music Group – Thanks for being so great through all of this. Couldn’t have asked for a better company to work for.
Docs & Nurses – Thanks for putting what’s left of me back together and for taking care of me.
I can go on and on with this specific list, but I probably shouldn’t. To all my friends and co-workers – thank you so much for all the love and support. I was and still am genuinely touched.
I wouldn’t have made it this far without all of you.
Til next time…

2 thoughts on “Thank You

  1. Teena, you are the most strong, inspiring person I know! I am so glad to hear your positive outlook and hopefulness! Our thoughts and prayers are with you everyday! We are here for you always and excited for your recovery <3 xoxox

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