Status Update

Hi everyone,

Apologies in advance if mood of this post comes of a little somber. But not to worry, I’ll be sure to make up for it with an extra dose of sarcasm. I’ve been moved from the 10th floor (step down ICU) of the hospital to the 15th (recovery). Now, big picture this is good-I know this is good-but let’s not all get too excited. I’ve moved from the Four Seasons to Motel 6. This is not good. Good news is that my cousin, Tan has worked her usual magic and has been able to get me into a single room. I was transferred from a huge single, cool, lots of amenities, no visitation rights room into a sauna, cramped, roommate filled, restricted visiting hour room. So THANK YOU SO MUCH TAN. Being in the single is helps a lot. It is cooler, bigger, and less stressful. I’ll go into how shitty and so unbelievably stressful my transfer process was another time. But the other good news is that we applies for rehab yesterday and should expect an answer today as to whether I get in or not and my docs here say I’ll probably be discharcharged next week, but if rehab accepts me earlier then he’ll discharge me to them earlier! It’s going from one hospital to the next but at least it’s a change of scenery and I finally get to get out of here after 50 days in here!!! I need to get out of here! Sorry for the lag in updating, the last few days have been really rough but I’m trying to get my spirits back to where they were and get back on track for myself and my family. I’m sorry to those I disappointed those days. Thank you everyone for sticking by me and supporting me. Hopefully my next post will be with some good news! Til then…

1 thought on “Status Update

  1. I’m sorry to hear the transfer didn’t go so well. 🙁
    I’m happy to hear you are moving to another hospital though.
    The change will be good for you.
    This is the first weekend since Christmas that I’m not working, so hopefully you’ll be up for a visit from me. 😡

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