Murphy’s Law

It’s April Fool’s Day, not Murphy’s Law Day. With that being said, everything that could go wrong seemed to go wrong today.
The day started off with us driving into the city to check out a prosthetics facility. Ben wasn’t able to come up with me to tour the facility b/c there was absolutely no street parking and garages in the area were insanely pricey. Then, I had to cut the tour short b/c I was running late to my OT appointment. So, I tell Ben to pull up to the building so we can head over to therapy. Well, with there being no place to park and everyone and their mother double parked, I rolled down 33rd Street while he was at a red light. Wonderful. I transferred into the car as quickly and safely as I could, but we still weren’t able to beat the green light. As I was settling in and Ben was putting my wheelchair into the car, we get honked at by the traffic behind us. Yeah…they all got the finger from me.
So, now we’re in the car and ready to go and rehab is only 5 streets and 3 avenues no problem right? Not so much. It took 45 minutes to get there, causing me to get there with 10 minutes left of my allotted 45 minute appointment..which meant I missed my OT appointment. But not to worry, my OT has an opening tomorrow. Good – I can make up my missed appointment tomorrow. Bad – We get to make an “unnecessary” hour (with no traffic) roundtrip drive for a 45 minute appointment. Good times.
PT was followed by OT and then home. My brother joined me at my appointment to film some footage of me working out so he was my ride home today. Normally, Ben and I hit some traffic (that stretch of the LIE once you get out of the tunnel or the bridge…) but b/c there was an accident on the West bound side, it took about 2 hours today. Yup.
Ok, I’m home now…so everything should be good right? Not quite. Ben and I are watching TV, he with his hot chocolate and me with my green tea. He goes into the kitchen to get some sugar to put in his hot chocolate (b/c apparently it wasn’t sweet enough?!?), reaches for one of the cylindrical air tight containers above the stove, and…….Yup, it opened midway and a shit load of sugar was now all over the kitchen. This accident in itself SUCKED. But…for those that know me, they know that the fact that I can’t help clean up the mess but just watch Ben “inefficiently” clean, is 10x worse. Just stuck in the wheelchair watching…but lucky for me I’ll probably hear the crunching of all the sugar as I roll into the kitchen next time. UGH.

1 thought on “Murphy’s Law

  1. Aww Teena, thats certainly an extremely rough weekend you had there and I’m sorry people aren’t nicer. Aholes! You will be able to get up soon enough to clean all that stuff the way you want to. After my exam, I can take you to some sessions as well!

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