
Saline, Xeraform, Curlex, Aquacel, Gauze, Ace Bandage. These things are now part of my everyday life as well as my vocabulary. Other words that I never thought would become part of my day-to-day vernacular; granulation, skin graft, donor site, oozing. Fun times.
How much dead/flaky skin am I going to shed and spread around the apartment today? How many times am I going to have to re-wrap my right stump today b/c the ace bandage falls off every 2 minutes?!? Should I transfer from the wheelchair onto the couch?…Well, depends on how much time I plan on spending on the couch…the energy I need to exert better be worth the time I’m going to plan on spending on that couch! What time am I going to bed?…whatever time it’s going to be, I need to start getting ready an hour before that time. All these questions and so many more are part of my everyday now. Things as simple as sitting down on the couch or using the bathroom requires some level of planning nowadays.
Hopefully I can heal up as fast and safely as possible (hopefully without the “help” of any further surgeries…) so that I’m able to be fitted for prosthetics. Then, I can finally stand up…then walk, and maybe/hopefully run one day….

4 thoughts on “Changes…

  1. Teena! I admire your attitude and strength. I just came back from my China wedding, it was pretty horrendous.


  2. Dear Teena, I wish I can help you economically but I don’t work in the present time, what I can do with all my heart is to come and help you at your house. I can clean, take you out or take care of you. Some how I can feel that you’ll be come a very successful woman and every way. Please feel free to e-mail me so that you can get to know me. Wishing you and your family all the best


    • Dear Julia,

      THANK YOU so much for you generous offer but I currently have a lot of family and friends helping as well as in home care. I appreciate the offer and thank you so much for your kind words.

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