As if the other day wasn’t bad enough…(and some random thoughts/rants)

I swear either there was/is testosterone in the drugs I’m taking or the docs did something. I’ve got a lot less leg I’m working with and what I am working with is covered in scars, donor sites, or skin grafts yet somehow…I have more hair on my legs than I’ve ever had in my life!!! I’ve never had to shave my legs above my knees before, but apparently I now have hair there and it’s freaking long! But on the flip side, I guess I’ll never have to shave below my knees anymore…too soon?!? And the hair that’s growing on my “flap” (the skin on the bottom part of my left leg that they took from my thigh) looks like the head of a bald man with a few hairs sprouting out. Lovely. Think along the lines of Homer Simpson, but less orange.
To make it even better, I’ve got all this “new” hair on my legs but I have a bald spot on my head….
So, laying in bed for an extended period of time can cause your hips to contract and that’s why the therapists give me hip extension exercises. But, sitting in this rental wheelchair is bad for my hip and core. So, I’m basically doing exercises to counter what laying in a hospital bed for 3 months did to my hips but then as soon as I get back into my wheelchair I’m contradicting those exercises…someone please explain. On that note, I’ve got a leg/knee rest for my “residual limb”. However, keeping my leg on there extended for too long can risk inflection or limit full range of motion (bending my knee). But not resting it on the leg rest can cause me to not have full extension. Ok…which is it? I’m so confused. This is like when I was in ICU in the hospital…you weren’t allowed to have flowers in your room yet hospital employees that were going into patients’ rooms would be wearing an entire bottle of cologne or perfume…huh?!?
*WARNING – last part of this post may be slightly TMI for some so I’d suggest that you stop reading now if you don’t want to hear about it. In all fairness, I’m just keeping it real…
As if the other day’s horrible events weren’t bad enough, last night and this morning’s event have made the rest of my week! Since the accident, my “friend” has been on hiatus. But last night, she decided to come back to work…greeeaat. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, this morning I woke up to find that she decided to come back full force. Even better. Yes, yes – this means my body is healing, adjusting, and getting back to some sense of normalcy. Whatever you want to call it or however you want to “spin” it, it still SUCKS.

2 thoughts on “As if the other day wasn’t bad enough…(and some random thoughts/rants)

  1. OK I counted at least 6 classic #ThatsWhatSheSaids and I might have peed my pants a little. I think posts like this one require photos T.P.

  2. loll…more hair on your legs? That’s awful because I hate shaving as well! Laser treatment anyone?

    It’s great that you’re healing and your body is going back to normal Teena. I’m happy to hear that, but I know it’s still very difficult for you to adjust! can’t wait to see you after my exam!

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