New Life Problems

Do I get t-shirts made that say, “Take a picture, It’ll last longer!” or “Just ask, you know you want to!” It’s not so much the staring that bothers me, per se, but the looks on people’s faces as they stare. It’s usually a frightened look, a look of pity, a look of shock, or a combination of all. I mean, I get it..I’d probably look too if it was me, natural curiosity and all. But looking for more than say, 5-10 seconds, is excessive because then you’re just making things awkward. And then I can make it even more awkward if you’re staring for a long time and I catch you and then stare back at you. Maybe the next time I catch someone staring I should just look at them and say, “Shark Accident.” Problems of my new life…
While on that topic…when can I get back to wearing my “regular” wardrobe and not clothes that are “functional”. I’m so over wearing sweatpants and boxers. Can’t wait for the day that I can look cute in an outfit again. And as the weather gets nicer it’s even harder to deal with. I have to look for longer and more functional shorts since the ones I currently own are either too short and won’t cover enough of my “wounds”, not functional enough, or too thick and will lead to a sweaty bum since all I do is sit on it all day. Oddly enough though, when I’m online shopping looking for functional clothing, I’ll still look at shoes..hah.
Happy Hour last week was awesome! The turnout was amazing and way bigger than I expected. It was great to see everyone. Can’t wait to see everyone again in June at the Mets game! Thanks in advance to all those who got tickets. And to those that haven’t..what are you waiting for?!?! You’ve got a week are still available! =)
Had my blood drawn to check my levels last week and everything came back normal..woohoo! I have my 2nd follow up with my physiatrist (rehab doc) tomorrow and a follow up at A Step Ahead on Wednesday. Hopefully good news from both appointments.

2 thoughts on “New Life Problems

  1. I would probably say something too. 5-10 seconds is a very long time…People should know better!

    I’m so glad to hear that the HH had such a wonderful turnout! Is there anything else on the horizon? I really hope that I can make the next event!

    I’m moving Friday. Once I get settled, let’s get together!

  2. Yesterday Dave and I met Lisa and Ron for brunch in Manhattan. We had hoped to see you, but it wasn’t a good day (they had baseball tickets) and it was further than I thought. But we asked about you, and we are thinking about you. Your blogs are amazing!! In the next few months let’s hope things move forward for you and Ben.
    Take care.
    Ann and Dave Poltilove
    (MD friends)

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