Back at home…

Before I go into my post, I just wanted to share with everyone the follow up story that the Daily News ran on me…
Check it out if you’re interested. It’s also on page 13 of the actual paper and almost a full page!..a full page of me looking like a hot mess! It was literally 10 minutes after getting home from rehab!
Also, Pat Kiernan of NY1 read my article during his “In The Papers” segment this morning. If you’re a Time Warner customer, you can check that out here:
My article gets read at around the 2 minute mark. Thanks Pat! Now I can check that off my bucket list. =)
I’ll also be on 1010 Wins News and one other media outlet. Geez…who knew little ol’ me. At least on 1010 nobody needs to see me looking like a hot mess. Apologies for boring everyone with the same story over and over again.
So, it’s really nice to be home. Nice to sleep in my own bed with Ben next to me. Still trying to figure out my schedule. I don’t know what to do with myself. Ask my husband and he’ll confirm, I’ve never been one to sit around (literally now) and do nothing. I can’t sit still. So, now that the only thing I can do is sit or lay down while I’m home..what do I do? Taking meds and doing my at home physical therapy only takes up so much time. If I were to sit on the couch and just watch TV now it just wouldn’t feel right. Moving from room to room or even off the couch requires A LOT more time and energy. EVERYTHING requires a lot more effort now. I’ve only been home for just over 24 hours but hopefully like everyone says, it’ll get easier. Time will tell.
Plan now is to heal at home and continue my therapy as an out patient. Once the doc feels I’m healed up enough I’ll be fitted for prosthetics and then return as an in patient for prosthetic therapy. Doc estimate that’ll be around Spring/Summer.
Before I end this post I just wanted to take a sec and thank my family and friends who stayed with me, visited me, and took care of me during my hospital and rehab stay. I wouldn’t have made it through the last 2 1/2 months without all of you. A ginormous thanks to my AWESOME Mom who never left me alone and was with me everyday while I was at the hospital and rehab. Whether it was taking care of me like my personal nurse or just there to hang out with me (she doing her word search notebook and me on my laptop), she was and is still always there for me. You’re the best Mom.

6 thoughts on “Back at home…

  1. “WOW”
    Tee your an incredibly strong women attitude is everything. I beleave wholeheartedly you will walk sooner then you think looking forward in watching your progress. One of many of your supporters.

  2. Teena,

    What can I say? Your positive spirit and unwavering passion for life is both incredible and awe inspiring. I know you will own this journey and teach us many life lessons along the way.

    I look forward to seeing all the wonderful things you have yet to accomplish. As you said, “one step at a time!”

    All the best!

  3. Hi, just read your article today in the newspaper and i just wanted to wish you a warm welcome back home and out of the hospital.
    Keep up the positive attitude!!! And you do not look like a mess!!!

  4. We LOVE you Teena and yes, your Mom is the best!!!! You forgot to mention that she was doing English word searches and doesn’t even know what the words mean… just searching by letters… Shows how much patience she has! We will always be here for you so you stay strong – prosthetics is just around the corner. Mmmmwwwwwwahhhhh

  5. Isaiah 41:13 For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you.

    God is here for you Jesus knows who you are and what has happened to you. Take his hand. When we are weak, he is strong. Your attitude is an inspiration. He loves you so much!

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