Opinions are like a**holes…everyone has one.

Some people are just assholes. Back when I was in the hospital, I would look at all the online articles about my accident to get a better sense of what happened that night. Since I fainted/blacked out, I didn’t remember anything after feeling light-headed and leaning myself against the back of a staircase wall. Looking at the articles was informative; that is, until I reached the comments section of the articles…tying back to my point of some people are just assholes. Seeing some of those comments made me irate. Who do you think you are?!? I really wanted to respond but I realized I needed to focus my energy on healing back then. So, I let it be.
I’m all for people expressing their opinions and all, but what makes you think you know better or are better than the person you’re commenting about? In my opinion (feel free to let me know if I’m being an asshole here), be a little respectful in your comments if/when you’re commenting on something that involves someone’s life/health (i.e. knowing if someone is alive, dead, or injured), especially if you don’t know the entire story. I take that back. Even if you do know the entire story, you should show some respect…and class. See below for a sampling of the comments that were made about my incident and my responses to them. (Note: I didn’t actually respond…only here.)

anon_coward • 6 months ago (Gothamist.com)
i’m sure leaning over made the train arrive faster

Oh I’m sorry, were you there? I wasn’t leaning over, but thanks for your insight, asshole.

Jay Myers185 days ago (NYDailyNews.com)
Stay AWAY from the edge!!! What is wrong with people, are they that stupid? I’ve lived here and ridden the subways over 20 years and have never stood near the edge! I stand back by the walls and watch the fools at the edge just waiting for someone to fall in for whatever reason, not understanding why they are so very dumb.

Oh, so you like to stand back so you can wait and watch for someone to fall? That’s lovely.

Nancy Diamond185 days ago (NYDailyNews.com)
If she wasn’t feeling well why was she standing so close to the edge of the platform. MOVE BACK.
Sorry many of these accidents are the fault of people doing silly things or just not being smart.
You must’ve been there that night with anon-coward. I guess I was stupid for not feeling well.

Daisy Gonzalez184 days ago (NYDailyNews.com)
My pre kindergarten’s could spin a better story! Aggggg

I’m not really sure what you’re trying to say here. Are you saying that the “story” of someone getting hit by the #7 train and losing both her legs should’ve been more entertaining or interesting for your reading pleasure? NYDailyNews.com – please take note…Next time something tragic like this happens, please make the article more interesting for Daisy Gonzalez184.

Moving on to my next topic. I don’t know which I “prefer”, those that are super nice to me upon seeing the “condition” that I’m in or those that seem to be oblivious to the fact that I’m in a wheelchair with barely a full leg, when combined. I like the super nice as long as it’s not patronizing. But, I do realize it can be hard for someone to know/realize if they are being patronizing, especially if it’s the first time you’re dealing with the situation. To those that are oblivious, part of me thinks, “Oh, ok. They don’t see anything wrong with me.” but then the other part of me thinks, “Uhm, hello?!? Do you not see that I’m in a wheelchair with no legs. Why are you so comfortable standing so close to me??” It’s silly. I know. #Newlifeproblems

July 4th is a few days away. People are going away, having BBQs, going to the beach, etc. I’m not traveling, bbq’ing (can’t sit out in the sun too long b/c it gets too hot and shouldn’t have my legs exposed to the sun), or going to the beach/pool (can’t soak my legs yet). And, I think Ben has to work. Any suggestions?..that don’t involve me sitting at home by myself?

1 thought on “Opinions are like a**holes…everyone has one.

  1. Those are some awful and terrible comments. It just goes to show you how ignorant and idiotic many people are and it’s a sad sad thing. Don’t subject yourself to these stupid people Teena!

    I’m busy tomorrow night, but maybe we can get together?

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