So…I think I may have decided on a prosthetic facility. I know it’s a big decision but I don’t think it’s hit me just yet and probably won’t until I start actively working with them. But nonetheless, a big decision made. Next up – new car, car modifications, wheelchair(s), and all the other stuff I don’t even know about yet.
Another “milestone” – I’m ready for a shrinker on my right side. For those of you that don’t know, a shrinker is just what it sounds like, it’s used to shrink down my limb. They are used to reduce, prevent or control swelling (edema) in the limb. They fit snugly and apply pressure to the soft tissues of the stump. And hopefully I’ll be ready on my left side soon as well…a step closer to prosthetics.
Being closer to getting prosthetics means that I have a lot more things to think about…How much do I care about appearance and aesthetics? What kind of shoes will I be wearing on a regular basis (this will determine the kind of feet that I get)? And these are only some of the questions I’ll have to think about. Some other questions I’ve been thinking about are: What’s gonna happen if I don’t get a full 90 degree bend on my left leg? Will I not be able to walk “normally” if I don’t get the full 90 degree bend? Will I be able to do steps? Will I have a normal gait or will I walk with a limp? Am I going to drive the car while seated in the wheelchair or in the regular seat in the car? And those are just some questions I’ve got to think about. One of the last things to think about, which my friend asked me recently, what am I going to do for my birthday? Besides it being 2 1/2 months away, it’s the last thing that I’m thinking about. And I’ll probably be learning to walk again around that time. So, I don’t know what I’ll be doing for my birthday this year, but it certainly would be an awesome gift to myself to be able to walk for my birthday.