
So, I’ve got my shrinkers on! They’re sorta like really thick and TIGHT panty hose. It’s really tight on both sides. But on the left side, it’s a little painful to get on but not nearly as uncomfortable as my right side. The right side is a little easier to put on but waaaay more uncomfortable to wear. The left side is painful to get on because the bottom part of the limb is still healing and is still pretty sensitive. The right side is about 90% healed (I think..) so it’s much easier and less painful to get on; There are still some minor spots that are healing and there is swelling that needs to be reduced. Oh and that uncomfortableness that I was referring to on my right side, that would be from the shrinker riding right up to my crotch. Let me tell ya – NOT COMFORTABLE at all…but I’ll suck it up..trying to not complain about it too much along the way. I’ll just have to keep thinking that’s it one more step closer to getting into prosthetics. I have my 2nd follow up with my physiatrist (rehab doc) next week and hopefully I’ll get some good news, or at least not bad news…
The weather is getting nicer and the temps are rising, which prior to the accident, would be wonderful because this would mean: sandals, dresses, shorts, outdoor activities, etc. Unfortunately, right now this means: black wheelchair arm rests that get really hot in the sun, a sweaty back and butt from sitting in a black cushion for my wheelchair (sorry..TMI?), not able to wear shorts (not yet, anyway), forget about sandals or any other warm weather footwear (obviously because I have no feet to put in them.), and a bunch of other things. But hey, at least I’m not stuck in bed at a hospital. I’ll take sweaty, uncomfortable, and out of the hospital over being trapped in a hospital bed any day.

1 thought on “Shrinkers

  1. What are these shrinkers for?

    One more week until I move right next to you!! Can’t wait to see you more often. xoxo

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